
vps优惠评论79字数 1286阅读4分17秒阅读模式


需要注意的是:你所购买的vps将于2021 年 9 月 30 日至 2022 年 4 月 30 日2进行服务器转移,转移期间IP会发生改变,CPU由Intel平台转换成AMD平台,此外机房也会变动(if you select Buffalo, New York, you may be moved to NYC Metro)这种变动应该是采取了就近分配的原则。文章源自国外主机测评-

20211204 61aac4ad4bcf2文章源自国外主机测评-





以下vps套餐将于9月30日开始逐步转换到AMD平台,机房本着就近原则分配,比如你选择了洛杉矶,那么分配后应该还是在洛杉矶。if you select Buffalo, New York, you may be moved to NYC Metro!!文章源自国外主机测评-

vir的vps是基于kvm虚拟,G口带宽,纯SSD RAID10,不过商家监控还是很严格的,需要小心使用。文章源自国外主机测评-


CPU 内存 SSD 流量 价格 购买
1核 512M 10G 1.0T/月 $7.2/年 链接
1核 768M 15G 2.0T/月 $9.6/年 链接
1核 1G 20G 3.0T/月 $12.0/年 链接
2核 2G 40G 4.0T/月 $20.0/年 链接
3核 3G 60G 5.0T/月 $28.0/年 链接


*Your service will provision on a server that has a planned migration between approximately 09/30/2021 and 04/30/2022. You will either receive a notice allowing you to self-migrate to a Ryzen node, or you may be required as a part of scheduled migration. After migration, IPv4 will change, as will network blend. Location may change, but we’ll keep you in a similar region. For example, if you select Buffalo, New York, you may be moved to NYC Metro, New York. While we have planned to migrate the above packages to Ryzen nodes before the end of their annual term, it is not a guarantee. No ETA is provided. Please note, there is a possibility that your service may be consolidated into another Intel node before a Ryzen node if there is limited availability, but we will try to avoid that.文章源自国外主机测评-

  • 本文由 主机测评 发表于 2021年12月4日09:24:33
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