CSpace怎么样,CSpace好不好,CSpace Hostings,国外商家,2012年成立,现在有3款特价KVM VPS,位于爱沙尼亚。
机型套餐 | CPU | 内存 | 硬盘 | 流量/带宽 | IPV4 | 价格 | 购买 |
1GB-OFFER-VPS | 1核 | 1 GB | 20 GB SSD(RAID 10) | 2 TB / 月(4 x 1Gbps端口) | 1 | €19.99/年 | 购买链接 |
2GB-OFFER-VPS | 1核 | 2 GB | 40 GB SSD(RAID 10) | 4 TB / 月(4 x 1Gbps端口) | 1 | €29.99/年 | 购买链接 |
4GB-OFFER-VPS | 2核 | 4 GB | 50 GB SSD(RAID 10) | 6 TB / 月(4 x 1Gbps端口) | 1 | €39.99/年 | 购买链接 |
Our network provides customers with a blend of carriers such as Cogent, Elisa and CITIC-NTT and PITER-IX. We will be connected to Telia and RTIX in the upcoming months.文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/7061.html