黑五终于要来了,目前 Contabo 放出了一些黑五优惠,一起来看一下,开始时间是 25 日,结束时间是 11 月 27 日。Contabo 是一家著名的老牌 VPS 商家,销售多个地区的 VPS、独立服务器等,适合建站使用。
以下是 Contabo 黑五促销优惠详情。
Cloud VPS & Cloud VDS:文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/3455.html
- No Setup Fees
- No Location Fee in the US & UK plus 50% off on the Location Fee in AUS & SIN
- 点击直达!
Storage VPS:文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/3455.html
- No Setup Fees
- No Location Fees everywhere
- 点击直达!
Dedicated Servers:文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/3455.html
- No Setup Fees
- No Location Fee in the US & UK plus 50% off on the Location Fee in AUS & SIN
- 点击直达!
Outlet Servers:文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/3455.html
- 50% off on all!
- Furthermore, there are 50% off promotions on Networking and Custom Images, as well as promotions for SSDs & Storage!
- 点击直达!