JUSTMYSOCKS:2024 年最新退款教程,7 天内全额退款

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JustMySocks 退款流程非常完善,这也是我们放心选择 JustMySocks 的原因之一。新的 JustMySocks 账号在 7 天内就可以申请退款,发起退款申请后,钱会原路返回,并且一分不扣,如果你发现 JustMySocks 不适合自己,完全可以申请退款,本文就介绍下 JustMySocks 如何退款。

1708995010 QQ截图20240227084959文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html


Just My Socks 官网:https://justmysocks.net(中国大陆无法访问)文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html



JustMySocks 退款条件

JustMySocks 退款肯定是有条件的,不然随意退款,还是全额到账,JustMySocks 也不要做生意了,退款条件在 JustMySocks 官网有介绍:文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

Customer may cancel services at any time in the billing control panel.文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

Customer may request a full refund for service provided all of the following conditions are met:文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

1. Customer’s account is in good standing and there have been no violations of Terms of Services
2. None of the payments have been previously or currently disputed
3. Monthly data transfer usage is under 10%
4. Customer’s account was created 7 or fewer days ago
5. Client had not used the right to Refund previously under current or different account文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

Refunds are issued to the original form of payment.文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

After the refund is processed, account may be used for future orders, however it will not be eligible for further refunds.文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

这里 JustMySocks中文网 为大家翻译下退款条件,或者大家也可以去官网查看原文:搬瓦工JustMySocks官网文章源自国外主机测评-https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html

  1. 客户的帐户信誉良好,没有违反服务条款
  2. 以前或现在没有争议的付款
  3. 每月数据传输使用率低于 10%
  4. 客户的帐户是在 7 天或更短的时间内创建的
  5. 客户以前没有使用往来账户或其他账户退款的权利


JustMySocks 退款教程

JustMySocks 官网:搬瓦工JustMySocks官网

打开官网登录账号后,找到需要退款的服务,点击进入到服务详情页,在最下面就有 Request full refund for this service(只有符合退款要求的套餐才有此按钮),点击即可申请退款,付款金额会全部原路返回:

1708999792 QQ截图20240227100941


  • 本文由 主机测评 发表于2024年2月27日 10:10:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://www.zjcp.org/33728.html
